Benue Re-run: INEC confirms collation officer was shot

Benue Re-run: INEC confirms collation officer was shot – The independent national electoral commission (INEC) has confirmed that the collation officer for the supplementary election in Benue State, Prof. (Mrs.) C.D TULUEN was shot at and injured on her way to Makurdi with the LGA collated result sheet.

According to INEC: “@inecnigeria can confirm that its Governorship election collation officer for Gboko LGA Benue State, Prof. (Mrs.) C.D TULUEN was shot at and injured on her way to Makurdi with the LGA collated result sheet. She is presently receiving treatment in hospital”.

“While wishing her a speedy recovery, @inecnigeria wishes to point out that all its ad-hoc and permanent staff are insured against such mishaps and the Commission is responsible for all hospital bills and medical expenses of all such injured staff”.

“The incident has been reported to the law enforcement officers and we will closely monitor the investigation”.

FINANCIAL WATCH reports that supplementary elections was held in Benue State and four other states yesterday and the March 9 governorship elections were declared inconclusive in five states.

Meanwhile collation of the supplementary results in Benue State is currently ongoing while INEC has officially declared APC winner in Plateau state while Aminu Tambuwal of PDP clinched Sokoto state.

Categories: LATEST NEWS
Sam Gabriel: Samson Gabriel a graduate of mass communication from Auchi Polytechnic, he is a passionate writer with experience in radio scrip writing. He brings his experience from the broadcast media into play here as he continues to enjoy his passion as a journalist. He can be contacted via whats-app on: +234701105670


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