BREAKING: Lawan emerges senate president

Lawan emerges senate president

BREAKING: Lawan emerges senate president – Ahmad Lawan, lawmaker representing Yobe north senatorial district, has been elected president of the senate.

Lawan secured 79 votes to defeat Ali Ndume from Borno south who polled 28 votes.

Yobe North Senator-elect and Ali Ndume of Borno-South are officially the only two senators who went head-to-head for the Senate President.

The two lawmakers were the only two nominated by their colleagues on the floor of the chamber

The Clerk of the National Assembly, Mohammed Sani-Omolori, subsequently announced the procedure and process of election.

The method of voting is secret ballot.

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Cynthia Charles: She is a prolific writer and has special interest on writing about business and opportunities. She can be contacted via cynthiaadigwe@financialwatchngr.com


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