ICRC Recruitment 2019: how to Apply For Infrastructure Concession Regulatory Commission

ICRC Recruitment 2019: how to Apply For Infrastructure Concession Regulatory Commission – Infrastructure Concession Regulatory Commission (ICRC) 2019 is currently roaming on board. These articles will give you the necessary guidelines on how to apply for (ICRC) recruitment 2019 – Apply here!

This is to inform the general public that the Infrastructure Concession Regulatory Commission  2019 has just been announce by the Board of Federation for the recruitment into various category of the Infrastructure Concession Regulatory Commission  interest applicant are to pay attention to the following details

If you wish to apply for the Infrastructure Concession Regulatory Commission into Application 2019.

You will recall that the recently the Nigeria Civil Defence recruitment started and application is currently going on. Meanwhile, if you have not applied, you can use this  to apply for Infrastructure Concession Regulatory Commission.

 List of requirement by Infrastructure Concession Regulatory Commission 

General Requirement For Infrastructure Concession Regulatory Commission  recruitment 2019

  • Applicant must be Nigerian by birth;
  • Applicants must possess the requisite qualifications and Certificates.
  • Applicant must be between the ages of 18-30 years;
  • Applicant’s height must not be less than 1.65m for males and 1.60m for females;
  • Computer literacy will be an added advantage.
  • Applicants with any of the following disabilities need not apply:
    Impediment in speech (stammerer/ dumb),
  • Gross malformation of teeth,
  • Defective eye sight (squint-eye, crossed eye, one-eyed and total blindness),
  • Amputation of any part of physical body, Hearing impaired (deaf), Hunched back, Obesity, Pregnancy, Medical challenges and any other physical deformity not mentioned.

How to Apply for Infrastructure Concession Regulatory Commission  2019?

  • Interested candidates are to visit the official portal (Will be available soon)
  • Select ‘Apply Here’ under the Rank/ Cadre which you are qualified for,
  • Register with a valid and functional email account,
  • A verification link would be sent to your email.
  • Then proceed with the registration.

This recruitment has been announce but it is yet to commence we will notify the general general public as soon as the registration start

Please discard any phone call or any email message requesting for money from you in the name of Infrastructure Concession Regulatory Commission  Form.

The application form is free and it must fill online.

Categories: Careers
Cynthia Charles: She is a prolific writer and has special interest on writing about business and opportunities. She can be contacted via cynthiaadigwe@financialwatchngr.com


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