Nigeria launches 1.5MW solar grid to power-up ministries

Nigeria launches 1.5MW solar grid to power-up ministries – Minister of Works and Housing Babatunde Fashola yesterday launched a 1.52MWp/2.28MWh solar micro-grid system to power-up some key government buildings, Financial Watch reports.

It was gathered that the project which was approved by the Federal Executive Council (FEC) in March 2019, will reduce the consumption of diesel from 776,248 litres to 166,825 liters per annum.

During the launch of the project in Abuja the minister said: “This project was approved by the FEC on March 20, 2019, at the time the Ministry of Power was part of Works and Housing.

“What we have delivered, based on the mandate of the FEC, is a 1.52MW solar system that will provide uninterrupted power supply to the five blocks that house the Ministry of Works, Environment and Lands.

“This project, during its delivery, employed 382 artisans and 176 skilled workers throughout the duration. It was executed in fulfilment of the economic recovery and growth plan (ERGP) objectives to create jobs.”

Minister of Works and Housing Babatunde Fashola

“This project will see the reduction of the average diesel consumption from 776,248 litres per annum to 166,825 litres per annum. This will save the government over N270 million throughout its life cycle and contribute to the reduction of government operational expenses and the reduction of our recurrent strength.

“The project has led to the upgrade and retrofitting of our electrical appliances by replacing 400 old air-conditioning units with 400 new inverter-based energy efficient air conditioning units and the replacement of 2,600 old light fittings with energy efficient light delivery ones, some of which are energy-saving because they actually consume 40 per cent less energy.

“In terms of local content, our contract engaged five STEM candidates to work throughout the solar life cycle of this project in the following roles: two candidates got trained in engineering design, two candidates got trained in construction, and one got trained in engineering project management.

“With this investment, we have built our own mini-grid in consonance with our administration’s policy to provide the off-grid option, making it available to ordinary Nigerians who cannot afford the cost of investing in off-grid power.”

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Tosan Olajide:


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