NYSC ‘Allowee’ Increment: Bad news for ex-corp members

How to Apply for National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) 2023: A Step-by-Step Guide

NYSC ‘Allowee’ Increment: bad news for ex-corp members – The recent increase in the allowance of serving members of the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) have elicited excitement among Nigerians especially on the social media; the news have also got a twisted version which says ex-corp members will be paid arrears.

However, the management of the NYSC have got some bad news for former corpers who are hoping to benefit from the increment; in a disclaimer to that report, the NYSC have released a press statement on the matter below:

“The attention of the Management of the National Youth Service Corps Scheme has been drawn to a false story purported to have emanated from the Director – General of the Scheme, Brigadier General Shuaibu Ibrahim to the effect that Corps Members would receive arrears as a fall out of the recent pay raise given to them by the Federal Government which has been roundly appreciated by Corps Members and Nigerians”.

NYSC Batch A

“Indeed, the fulfillment of the promise of the increment by the Federal Government is borne out of utmost concern for the welfare of our patriotic youths and commencement date is *January 2020* as budgeted in the 2020 fiscal year”.

“Therefore, Corps Members and members of the public are hereby advised to disregard the so – called *purported breaking news from the DG NYSC, Brig Gen Shuaibu Ibrahim announcing the payment of various sums of money as arrears to ex – Corps Members of 2018 batches and serving Corps Members of 2019 batches”.*

“Kindly verify information from the NYSC official platforms or the State Secretariats nationwide on issues concerning the Corps. Never respond to bogus instructions on phantom sites and sources”.

Categories: LATEST NEWS
Tosan Olajide:


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